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Advanced Serving (3 - 4 Players)

Advanced: These are classes for High School and College players who have 3 or more years of competitive playing experience and have a solid command of the fundamentals. In these classes we dive into advanced technical and tactical skills, required to excel at skills required in specific positions.

Advanced Serving

In baseball and softball, the best pitchers are able to deliver different types of pitches to try to dominate batters. In Volleyball, great servers master more than one serving style, which allows them to keep passers guessing and alter the passers' rhythm. We will teach you the Jump Float, Top Spin Jump Serve, the Short Serve, and how to put different types of curves and spins on your serves. From the footwork for each type of serve, to the toss and contact point, you will learn all the steps required to become an effective scorer from the service line. >> We use video technology during the class to illustrate proper technique and reinforce the learning.

Tier 2 - small group of 3 - 4 players registered.
Important: A minimum of 3 players is required for Tier 2 pricing. If you registered for this class in this tier and the minimum number of players is not met, we will reach out to you to see if you would like to change tiers of would prefer a refund or credit towards a different class.

Class duration: 60 min